Ultra fast UV curable adhesive

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  1. It is used for bonding thermoplastics where appearance is important.
  2. Particularly good for PC, PET, PVC, ABS and PMMA,PETG with metals.
Replaces Solvent Bonding, Ultrasonic Welding
Available pack size 50ml, 250ml
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Chemical Composition Urethane acrylate
Curing Mechanism Polymerization on exposure to UV rays
Recommended Substrates Glass/Glass ,Glass/Metal , Transparent Plastics (PC,ABS,PMMA, PETG,PET,PVC).
Recommended UV Waves 365 to 420 nm
Recommended Intensity 100mW/cm²
Curing time Depends on Substrate
Tensile Strength 23 N/mm²
Service Temperature – 55 to 120 Deg C
Minimum intensity 50 mW/cm2

Features and Benefits

it is an extremely fast UV curable adhesive developed for the fast bonding of rigid plastics and also in combinations of metal.
It provides high durability when exposed to hot/wet conditions and thermal cycles.


  • Provides substrate failure on most recommended susbtrates.
  • It cures tack-free and it shows excellent performances on several thermoplastic materials such for example PC, PMMA, PETG, PET, ABS and PVC.
  • We recommend using UV lamps able to produce radiation at wavelengths between 365 nm and 420 nm with a minimum intensity of 100mW/cm² for best results